Mana Academy Parent and R1 RCM Homecare Team Coordinate Donation Drive
Mana Academy was the fortunate benefactor of a donation drive of classroom supplies coordinated by one of our Mana parents, Ati Vainuku, Tabatha Ready and the R1 RCM Homecare Team, and members of the Polynesian community. Through their coordinated efforts, they were able to donate:
557 notebooks
417 two pocket folders
774 pencils
850 pencil top erasers
170 24-pack crayons
140 pink erasers
216 glue sticks
136 packs of markers
207 packs of color pencils
68 rulers
classroom decorations
We are grateful for the generosity of our school community and those of you who helped in this donation drive. The donations were distributed to happy teachers and scholars on our elementary campus.